Emily CLI Documentation


Emily combines the powers of Python and Docker to build stable and consistent machine learning and datascience python environments. Emily is useful for large cross-team project development as well as for simply running a single jupyter notebook or python script.

Download emily@v3.0.6
See earlier versions
$ emily configuration add compose [options]

Add a basic Docker Compose configuration to your project.

$ emily configuration add compose

? Emily: Choose a project(Use arrow keys, confirm with ENTER)> M9VHKD - my-project
AB82JD - movie-recommender
· M9VHKD - my-project
Emily: Please enter the configuration name:
· staging
? Emily: Please choose a Docker Compose configuration(Use arrow keys, confirm with ENTER)> Base
HTTPS reverse proxy (Nginx)
External network
· Base

Docker Compose base configuration

The emily configuration add compose command adds the base Docker Compose configuration to your project. The prompt for Docker Compose configuration type, pass --silent to the command.

The base configuration is the basic docker-compose.emily.yml that Emily automatically creates when building a project.

It specifies the following:

  1. Host/container port mapping
  2. Location of the Dockerfile and build context
  3. Provisions the auto-generated .env file to the project container
  4. GPU-specific environment variable substitutions
  5. Project-specific network
version: "3" services: emily-my-project-m9vhkd: image: emily-my-project-m9vhkd container_name: emily-my-project-m9vhkd build: context: ../../ dockerfile: ./Dockerfile env_file: - ./.env ports: - ${HOST_PORT}:${CONTAINER_PORT} ipc: ${IPC} runtime: ${RUNTIME} networks: - emily-my-project-m9vhkd-network networks: emily-my-project-m9vhkd-network: driver: bridge name: emily-my-project-m9vhkd-network


  • -h,--help

    Display help for command

  • -n,--name<name>

    The name of the configuration

  • -p,--project<project>

    The project to manage configurations for.

  • -s,--silent

    Execute Emily silently. (default: false)

  • -u,--update(--no-update)

    Prompt for update if newer version found. (default: true)

  • -vb,--verbose

    Print detailed information while running commands.