Emily CLI Documentation


Emily combines the powers of Python and Docker to build stable and consistent machine learning and datascience python environments. Emily is useful for large cross-team project development as well as for simply running a single jupyter notebook or python script.

Download emily@latest
See earlier versions
$ emily configuration add [options]

Add a configuration to your project.

$ emily configuration add

? Emily: Choose a project(Use arrow keys, confirm with ENTER)> M9VHKD - my-project
AB82JD - movie-recommender
· M9VHKD - my-project
Emily: Please enter the configuration name:
· staging
? Emily: Please choose a configuration type(Use arrow keys, confirm with ENTER)> Docker Compose configuration
Kubernetes configuration
· Docker Compose configuration

Adding configurations

You can add configurations to projects using the emily configuration add command. Configurations consist of individual files - not directories - and as such you can add multiple configurations to the same configuration directory:

$ emily configuration add compose
--project my-project
--name staging

$ emily configuration add compose external
--project my-project
--name staging
--network local-shared-network

Emily can create Docker Compose and Kubernetes configurations. While there is no requirement for keeping the two types of configurations in separate directories, note that currently only Docker Compose configurations can be used for local development.


  • -h,--help

    Display help for command

  • -n,--name<name>

    The name of the configuration

  • -p,--project<project>

    The project to manage configurations for.

  • -s,--silent

    Execute Emily silently. (default: false)

  • -u,--update(--no-update)

    Prompt for update if newer version found. (default: true)

  • -vb,--verbose

    Print detailed information while running commands.