Emily CLI Documentation
Release-v3.0.6Emily combines the powers of Python and Docker to build stable and consistent machine learning and datascience python environments. Emily is useful for large cross-team project development as well as for simply running a single jupyter notebook or python script.
See earlier versions
$ emily stop [project] [options]
Stop the running docker container of your project.
$ emily stop
? Emily: Choose a project
(Use arrow keys, confirm with ENTER)
> myproject-id1 - my-project1
myproject-id2 - my-project2
· myproject-id1 - my-project1
? Emily: Choose container to stop:
(Use arrow keys, check √ items with SPACE, confirm with ENTER)
✖ emily-my-project1-myproject-id1-configuration1
✔ emily-my-project1-myproject-id1-configuration2
· emily-my-project1-myproject-id1-configuration2
Stopping emily-my-project1-myproject-id1-configuration2... done
Removing emily-my-project1-myproject-id1-configuration2... done
Removing network emily-my-project1-myproject-id1-configuration2-network
Running Emily Stop
To stop a docker container of a project, run emily stop my-project
in your terminal, where my-project
can be a project ID, name or path.
If the project
argument is not provided you will be prompted to choose from a list of known Emily projects.
If several instances of the chosen project are running, you will be prompted to choose which one to stop.
$ emily stop my-project