Emily CLI Documentation


Emily combines the powers of Python and Docker to build stable and consistent machine learning and datascience python environments. Emily is useful for large cross-team project development as well as for simply running a single jupyter notebook or python script.

Download emily@v3.0.3
See earlier versions
$ emily open [project] [options]

Open a directory or an existing Emily project by its name or ID.

$ open my-project-name
Opening my-project-name located at my-project-path.

Starting Docker container...

Emily Open

The emily open command is used to open your projects to develop them. To open a project, simply run emily open inside a terminal, following by a project identifier, which can be:

  • The project name
  • The project path
  • The project id (can be partial as long as it's uniquely identifiable)
$ open my-project-name
$ open ~/dev/emily-projects/my-project-name
$ open MKLHWX --editor vscode

Opening with editors

Emily supports opening projects with a small set of code editors:

  1. VS Code
  2. PyCharm Professional
  3. Jupyter Notebook
  4. Jupyter Lab

Because Emily projects are developed inside the Docker container that will later be deployed, the set of editors is limited as in-container development requires a substantial amount of editor-specific setup.

When first opening a project, Emily will prompt you for your preferred editor. You can also specify the editor explicitly with the --editor flag:

$ open <my-project> --editor vscode

Changing environments and configurations

By default, Emily will open your project in the dev environment using the dev configuration. This environment and configuration are automatically created when building a project. To change the environment or configuration (for example, if you want to open your project in a production setting), simply provide the --environment and --configuration flags:

$ open <my-project> --environment prod --configuration nginx

Importing projects

The emily open command can also be used to import existing projects. The imported project doesn't have to be an Emily project.

Importing an Emily project

If you have a locally stored Emily project that Emily doesn't know about yet (e.g. a project from a colleague), simply run:

$ open ./my-colleague/their-project

You can use the --import-only flag to prevent opening the imported project. This is equivalent to emily build --no-autostart.

If the Emily project specifies mount mappings, you will be prompted for registering your own local mount mappings. To avoid this prompt, provide the mappings with the --import-mounts flag. Note that the mappings must follow the format of <source>:<target>, e.g.:

$ open ./my-colleague/their-project --import-mounts ./data/training:/workspace/training-data

Importing a non-Emily project

To import a non-Emily project, simply run the same emily open command as you would with Emily projects. For non-Emily projects, you will need to provide the image to use for this project. You will be prompted to provide this unless an image is explicitly provided by the --import-image flag.

$ open ./my-colleague/their-project --import-image slim

Opening a Jupyter Notebook

Emily also supports directly opening a Jupyter .ipynb file. When opening notebooks, Emily will wrap the file in a similarly named directory which will be configured as a basic Emily project. Unless provided explicitly with --import-image, you will be prompted to supply a Docker image to use for this notebook.

During opening, Emily will automatically start the Jupyter server so you're immediately ready to run and edit the notebook.

$ open ./my-notebook.ipynb --import-image slim


  • -h,--help

    Display help for command

  • -ii,--import-image<image>

    The Emily image to use when importing a project. Valid emily images: base | slim | cv | nlp torch-slim | torch-cv | torch-nlp | tf-slim tf-cv | tf-nlp | cuda-base | cuda-slim cuda-cv | cuda-nlp |cuda-torch-slim| cuda-torch-cv cuda-torch-nlp| cuda-tf-slim | cuda-tf-cv | cuda-tf-nlp

  • -i,--import-only

    Import the folder without opening project. (default: false)

  • -im,--import-mounts<...mappings>

    Mount mappings to use when importing a project where the local deployment specification contains existing mount mappings. Mount mappings are specified in the format <SOURCE>:<DESTINATION>, e.g. ./data/train:/workspace/data/train.

  • -e,--editor<editor>

    The editor to use [pycharm | vscode | notebook | lab].

  • -env,--environment<name>

    Environment to open the project in. (default: dev)

  • -c,--configuration<name>

    Configuration to open the project in. (default: dev)

  • -d,--detach

    Detached mode: Run container in the background. Requires manual shutdown.

  • -s,--silent

    Execute Emily silently. (default: false)

  • -u,--update(--no-update)

    Prompt for update if newer version found. (default: true)

  • -vb,--verbose

    Print detailed information while running commands.