Install requirements

    This guide will help you get the necessary software installed that Emily is depending on. If you are running Emily on windows, the installation wizard should take care of all installation. However, the guide might still be handy if you need to install Emily's requirements and dont want to run the installation wizard again e.g. if you deleted a required program.

    This part of the guide will take you through installation of the necessary dependencies of Emily. Further down there is a section showing how to use emily doctor to install optional dependencies.

    When the main installation of Emily is completed on Linux or MacOS, Emily will give you an overview of the necessary requirements, and ask for permission to install them.

    Running emily doctor...

    Checking your system please stand by...
    Missing 3 required feature(s)

    I can fix the missing features for you. Continue?
    (Y/n) >>

    The requirement listed as "No Snap Docker" makes sure that Docker is not installed with snap on linux, as it cannot be used properly by Emily.

    Emily will then display the list of missing features as a menu. Here you should select the ones you want installed by Emily (most likely all of them) with arrow keys (↓↑) and space. When you have made your choices, confirm with ENTER.

    Please select the requirements Emily should fix


    Attempting to fix Docker...

    Emily will prompt you to confirm that you want to isntall each iteam you selected from the list. Press y to confirm.

    Install Docker?
    (Y/n) >>